Walk your way through the colours & culture of india. meet the magnificent & majestic tigers
Remote wild India
3 day foot safari across tiger reserve
Detailed history of India
Delicious food
Diversity of landscape
What to Expect:
The safari is 18 days long; India simply can’t be seen properly in less time than this
Discover ancient India
A breathtaking step into the histories of the Mughals, and the British Empire.
Foothills of the Himalaya’s at Shimla (Simla)
Experiential bush camps and eco- lodges
Immersive walking safaris
Game drives with tigers!
Guided by either Iain or Alex, with local expert naturalists
Maximum 10 people
Trip Details:
Get ready for a beautiful collision of worlds: a yogi or holy man with a mobile phone pressed to his ear; an iPod sitting in the folded arms of a marigold-festooned deity statue; lucky garlands threaded through the front grilles of the ubiquitous Ambassador taxis; sacred cows ambling their way through the traffic, bullock carts, rickshaws, and bicycles, apparently unperturbed by the mayhem around them.
Tropical Ice’s India is all this and more… we show our guests that India is not simply a country, it’s an ancient civilisation, which has endured through myriad conquests. On our voyage, we will tell you about the Mughal and British history, and you will see the stunning architecture, which these Empires left behind. We will head to the hills, both lowland and highland. In the former we will search for the Bengal tiger, both on foot and from jeeps; in the latter we will see and hike in these Himalayan lowlands.
In true Tropical Ice style, this safari is one that we’ve honed and refined over the last 40 years. The accommodation is nothing short of superb. In Delhi we’ll stay in the beautiful Imperial Hotel; we’ll be in private camps during our three-day walk in Satpura; and we’ll stay in small eco-lodges, whilst searching for tigers in Kanha and Bandhavgarh. In Shimla, we’ll stay in the magnificent Wildflower Hall.
The genesis of this safari was in 2005 when I made my first visit to India with my family. We loved India because it made us feel alive! Within minutes of arriving the routines of the mundane western world are thrown to the winds. Choices aren’t a given in India, you have to jump right in, be brave, and grab every exhilarating moment. Each day is a new adventure, providing another intriguing piece of a puzzle that has flourished for over 2,000 years.
India is like a living theatre, as daily life in all its forms is played out publicly on the streets and at every street corner. It’s a land of paradoxes, contradictions, and contrasts of highs and lows, of beauty and despair, of joy and sadness, of wealth and poverty – India has it all in unequal measure.
I’ll always remember that first sighting of a tiger in Kanha. I wasn’t prepared for the sheer size of the animal, it seemed so much larger than any lion I’d ever seen. We were part of a small vulture study group, and we visited places where few tourists travelled. Walking/trekking has always taken place in northern India, but I wondered about the potential for a long walk in the lower-lying country that would have a wildlife emphasis.
I returned in April 2011 and February 2012, and slowly the trip began to come together: a combination of a walking safari across one of India’s lesser known parks; searching for tigers; a visit to Shimla, the old summer home of The Raj, nestled in the lower foothills of the Himalayas. In short this trip is “India for the discerning traveller”, a safari as far from “mainstream” as it’s possible to get.

“NEVER HAD I IMAGINED SUCH DIVERSITY On one trip. this was india beyond my wildest dreams. when that tiger emerged from the jungle, i couldn’t breathe.”
Jamie Wise (Henderson, Nevada, U.S.A.)
Upcoming safaris
To find out more about our Wild India! safari and express your interest in booking, please use the enquire button below and Iain or Alex will send you a detailed itinerary and more information about how to proceed.
2025 departures
Arrive Depart Availability
Jan 26 Feb 12 Fully booked
Feb 16 Mar 05 2 spaces remaining
2026 departures
Arrive Depart Availability
Jan 25 Feb 12 3 spaces remaining
Feb 15 Mar 05 7 spaces remaining